TV and Radio Talk Show Hosts on Social Justice

Sep 13, 2013
  1. Bill O’Reilly:

          “Unfortunately I have to be Paul Revere and tell you that the country is in decline. . . . In 1984 about 85% of Americans paid federal income tax. Now about 51% pay income tax. A decline of 34 percentage points. Why? Because of social justice. Because the feds are allowing Americans who don’t make much money to pay no income tax. Some may say that’s just fair. But the reality is that America doesn’t have any money. We’re broke” (video published July 6, 2012 on a segment titled “The Country is in Steep Decline,” available at, accessed Aug. 23, 2012).


          “As you may know, the President and the Democratic Party in general want tax dollars to be redistributed in order to impose social justice on the nation. Republicans oppose that, supporting safety nets but not cradle-to- grave entitlements” (“Bill O'Reilly: Personal generosity and social justice” on April 16, 2012, retrieved April 23, 2012 from


          “President Obama wants the feds to impose ‘social justice.’ He wants Washington to amass as much power as it can, so states that do not embrace the entitlement culture will be forced to do so by the federal government. That’s what Barack Obama’s true mission is” (Pinheads and Patriots: Where You Stand in the Age of Obama, 2010, pp. 98-100).


          “When Americans vote in November, they will be voting for one of two things. The free marketplace, capitalistic approach espoused by Mitt Romney, or the social justice, spread the money approach championed by the President” (see “Talking Points Memo” video titled “It’s all About the Money” Oct. 1, 2012,, accessed Oct. 8, 2012).


          “We live in a complicated, dangerous age. Democrats have seized on the economic collapse and a bad war (Iraq) that happened on President George W. Bush's watch. They have convinced the majority of voters to embrace a new America - one that gives the federal government extraordinary power. One that runs up a record amount of debt in pursuit of social justice and ‘income equality.’

          Well, it is simply not working out. The gap between rich and poor under President Obama is getting bigger because fewer well-paying jobs are available. Corporations are being taxed to the hilt and are loathe to add more workers. Thus, salaries fall because there are more than enough applicants to fill any job vacancy” (“Trusting the Folks” By Bill O'Reilly for,Thursday, October 3, 2013, accessed Oct 3, 2013).


  1. Rush Limbaugh:

          “Social justice . . .  just means the redistribution of wealth, that’s what social justice means" (Media Matters [No Date], accessed Dec. 12, 2011).


          “That is flat out BS. These people are worried about every American, they’re worried and every Americans’ kids. In other words [according to the article] the Tea Partiers, they oppose social justice you see. That’s what the code word here is. They ‘oppose social justice,’ and that is equating all things economically for all peoples. The problem with the left and their way of equating people is that they don’t raise anybody, they don’t elevate anybody. They take the people at the higher levels of achievement and income and then they take away from them to make everybody equal, as in equally miserable. And if you’re opposed to social justice then it naturally follows that you are racist [according to the left]. [Quoting from an article] ‘People think that the policies of the regime [the Obama administration] are disproportionately directed at helping the poor rather than the middle class or the rich.’ What the Tea Party people realize and what the majority of the American people realize is that this is a regime that is happy to preside over an America that is for the first time in her life in decline” (see Media Matters [No Date,], accessed Dec. 14, 2011).


          “God, some of you people are stupid. You people on the left are just dangerously ignorant, running around all wound up, ticked off, angry, you don’t even know why and then you make yourself believe you’re going to be happy if someone gets screwed. What kind of life is that, to run around wanting your happiness to be dependent on whether somebody you supposedly hate gets screwed and you don’t even know the people being talked about. Screw social justice” (Media Matters [No Date,], accessed Dec. 14, 2011).


          [Regarding the Zimmerman case] “Show trials have nothing to do with dispensing justice. They’re all about dispensing social justice, which is usually the polar opposite of real justice., accessed Oct 3, 2013).


          “Economic justice, no matter how they try to dress it up, economic justice or social justice really just boils down to Democrats taking people’s money who won’t vote for them and giving it to people who will” (see, accessed Oct. 3. 2013).


          “Now, what this is, folks, is social justice at work, because after all, the banks were forced by the government at the point of a gun to loan to people they knew couldn't afford the mortgages.  That's what really happened.  That's the root of the subprime mortgage crisis.  It was the government forcing the banks to lend money to people that never had a chance, would never be able to repay the loans.  Social justice, affordable housing, the so-called good intentions and don't judge us on the failure of our results. . . . .  So back to this foreclosure business.  The banks were forced by the government at the point of a gun -- Janet Reno threatening them with investigations if they didn't participate in the program.  They had to lend money to people that could not afford mortgages.  …

          Now the banks are gonna have to give $25 billion ostensibly, now, to the people who shoulda never gotten these loans in the first place. People are underwater, who were foreclosed on.Textbook case of social justice.You hear the term, this is exactly how it manifests itself” (Transcript of Feb. 9, 2012,, accessed Oct. 3, 2013).


  1. Dennis Prager:

          “Anytime you add a word before ‘justice’ it’s no longer justice” (quoted in, Retrieved Nov. 7, 2011,_economic_justice,__hcare_are_at_the_heart_of_the_gospel).


          “Why can’t liberal news people report the news without any slant?The answer is that for people on the left, all -- I repeat, all -- professions are a means to an end, not ends in themselves. That end is the social transformation of society, meaning the promoting of 'social justice' as the left understands that term.

          For most liberal news reporters, therefore, the purpose of news reporting is not to report news as objectively as possible. The purpose of the media in general and of reporting specifically is to promote social justice and the social transformation of society.

          For most liberal judges, the primary purpose of being a judge is to promote social justice and transform society. That is why liberal judges are so much more likely to be judicial activists than conservative judges. Most liberal judges do not see their roles as merely adjudicating a dispute according to the law. They see their role primarily as using the law and their power to rule on the law to promote social justice” (“Why Reporters – and Judges and Professors are Biased,” Human Events Nov. 25, 2008,, Dec. 1, 2011).


          [In a question period after a lecture Prager was what would be the best comeback to a priest who told the congregation we must have social justice]: "Good question . . .  Here is a rule that I learned in my study of communist societies . Whenever there is an adjective added to an important value-based noun, there's an agenda. There is democracy, not 'people’s democracy.'  Whenever you had a 'people's democracy' you knew you didn’t have democracy.

          Social justice . . . ask all people who use the term, out of curiosity, what is the difference between social justice and justice. I want to hear what answer they give. They do not like justice. Social justice, like environmental justice, and all the other adjectives that are thrown, are agenda driven.  There is justice, or there is injustice. There isn’t justice and then social justice. Social justice means leftwing equality. That's what it means. It is a substitute for the term equality.

          [According to Progressives] there is no social justice if there are rich and poor. [Having] Rich and poor is definitionally social injustice [to the left/Progressives]. It's not injustice [if there are rich and poor people. But according to those who use the term it is unjust.] They don’t even know why they use the term. . . They don’t know why they don’t like the term justice. But I’ll tell them why they don’t like it. Justice has no problem with there being rich and poor. [But] Social justice [does have] a problem with there being rich and poor.

          If the rich got rich justly, there is no problem with it.

          This is one of my favorite Biblical quote: ‘Do not favor the poor in judgment.’ It is the book of Exodus. It is very tempting if a poor guy and Bill gates come into your courtroom to favor the poor guy. That’s social justice. Favoring the poor guy. [But] It’s injustice to favor the poor guy. Get it. So social justice has nothing to do with justice. Nothing. It distorts it in the name of the egalitarian ideal that motivates the left" (“Dennis Prager – Social Justice” YouTube Video from a talk given at David Horowitz’s West Coast Retreat, April 1, 2011. Retrieved May 13, 2012


          “Why this liberal belief in the demonic nature of conservatives? Leftism, as we have seen, is largely based on good intentions. The Left is certain that it had good intentions – compassion, love of social justice, concern for the environment, and so on. Therefore, its opponents must have bad intentions – they must, by definition, lack compassion, not care about social justice, and not care about clean air and water, the poor and the downtrodden" (Still The Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph, 2012, p. 124).


  1. Glenn Beck:

          "What is [social justice]? It seems like such an innocuous phrase. It paints a picture of fairness — many churches use the term as a substitute for ‘outreach to the poor.’ Who could possibly be against that? Well, if you’ve read the news lately: I am. In fact, I even learned from TIME magazine recently that I hate Jesus. . . I’m glad to see Time suddenly cares about God… or am I? The other ‘news’ from The New York Times was that I recommended leaving church if those churches help the poor. And I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those pesky, meddling ‘journalists’!

          I’m not sure why I would expect the media to start searching for the truth now, when they’ve never let it get in the way before. The truth is this: The term ‘social justice’ has been completely perverted and hijacked by progressives. It doesn’t mean simply ‘help the poor’ to them. It does to some people, but not to radical progressives.

          And now, just for The New York Times and everyone else who thinks I hate poor people — I know your attention span is about 20 or 30 seconds, but try and pay attention — we’ll set the record straight for you here on social justice. The kind I am talking about vs. the kind that they are talking about. Ready? Here’s my definition of social justice: Forced redistribution of wealth with a hostility toward individual property rights, under the guise of charity and/or justice" (“Glenn Beck: What is ‘Social Justice?’” Tuesday, Mar 23, 2010,, accessed Sept. 13, 2013).


          “On my radio program, I said if your church is promoting Jeremiah Wright-type ‘social or economic justice,’ you should run from it or at least get educated on what progressives mean by this. Here’s someone who took my advice: Barack Obama. Rev. Wright’s church teaches ‘economic parity’ and claims that God is not pleased with ‘America’s economic mal-distribution.’ Progressives are good at changing words — for instance:

• ‘Federal assistance’ has replaced the word ‘welfare’

• ‘Welfare’ replaced the word ‘handout’

• ‘Subsidy’ has replaced the word ‘self-reliance’

• ‘Bailout’ has replaced the words ‘corporate accountability’

• The ‘stimulus bill’ becomes the ‘jobs bill’

          They do this over and over again.

          Churches that preach his type of ‘social justice’ are what I was referring to when I said ‘run.’ This kind of social justice being preached in Rev. Wright-style churches not only resembles what many of these radical progressive and socialist and communist groups preach today, it is what they preach: Government forcibly taking wealth and spreading it around — leveling the playing field, so there’s no ‘economic inequality.’ When you are in church sometimes it’s not so easy to see it. But here’s a simple rule of thumb: Make sure your church puts God first and politics and government last. Here are the clear warning signs: ‘social justice’ or ‘economic justice’ or ‘ecological justice’" (“Glenn Beck: What is ‘Social Justice?’” Tuesday, Mar 23, 2010,, accessed Sept. 13, 2013).


          "A couple weeks ago, I told you about Father Charles Coughlin. Coughlin founded the National Union for Social Justice, co-opted the phrase and began publishing Social Justice Weekly. Coughlin, an anti-Semitic religious broadcaster in the 1930s, used the publication to attack capitalism and promote his adoration for Italian fascist Benito Mussolini. He used social justice as cover and it’s happening again.

          I want to make this clear: Some people look at social justice as going out on mission and going out and doing good works for God. That’s great — as long as it’s Jesus and the church or your synagogue or whoever is who you are serving, not a government-bloated program.

          For example: If your church is preaching social justice and education, your church is doing it, great but remember the Defend Education rallies that happened recently? Of course everyone wants to ‘defend education.’ But if you go to the National Day of Action to Defend Education Web site, you’ll find a list of endorsers and you’ll realize that you’ve just entered a hot-zone of activist, progressive, socialist groups trying to hijack another movement.

          If you go to Jeremiah Wright’s United Church of Christ Web site, it looks fine and dandy. But check out the ‘related links’ page and you will be recommended to visit the Ella Baker Center. The Ella Baker Center — why does that sound familiar? Oh that’s right, it was co-founded by Van Jones, the communist.

          That’s the ‘social justice’ they are fighting for and the kind of social justice you need to be fighting against” (“Glenn Beck: What is ‘Social Justice?’” Tuesday, Mar 23, 2010,, accessed Sept. 13, 2013).


  1. Greg Gutfeld:

          “The term social justice, whenever you hear the term social justice, run the hell away because it means . . . because that translates into “you owe us something, we want something from you because you were bad to us” (From July 15, 2011 Five - a program on Fox News,, accessed Nov 7, 2011).


          “Obama is so good at playing this role that most in the media choose to ignore, accept, or applaud the basic far-left principles that serve as his ideological core. So far— at least to me— his administration’s real goal is total wealth redistribution. Because progressives have no prescription for economic growth, all they have in their arsenal is income redistribution. Therefore, they see your paycheck as something they own, not you. They call this social justice— more code for “you’re screwed.” We’re seeing this now, as the Obama administration seeks to level out all of our incomes, in the name of, well, justice.

It’s Robin Hood at its best— a free lunch that, in the end, we will all pay for, even after the money runs out. And this is what happens when you decide to rearrange a pie, instead of growing it. Instead of a full stomach, your fingers get sticky" (The Bible of Unspeakable Truths, 2010, Kindle Locations 790-797).


          “As long as you believe in the left-wing version of social justice, you can hurt somebody” (Gutfeld was explaining why the left excuses the violence of leftists; a broadcast of The Five  on Fox News Channel, Dec. 12, 2012).


  1.  Charles Payne:

          [This is from a segment on Fox News Channel’s Hannity program where Payne was asked to create satirical bumper stickers for President Obama’s re-election campaign] “Social Justice! Time to put those nerds, workaholics and job creators in their place" (Aired Dec. 12, 2011).


  1. Janeane Garofalo:

          “Being liberal is something to be very proud of. Over the last 30 years or so, the right wing of this country has managed to bastardize the word. They think it's something to be feared because liberalism equals progress and social justice, and Republicans and conservatives hate progress and social justice. Liberal is not a dirty word. It's not a pejorative” (“Q&A with Janeane Garofalo,”, accessed Dec. 14, 2011).


  1. Bill Whittle:

          “When people talk about social justice, they’re talking about everybody crossing the finish line at the same time. They’re talking about everyone having an equal distribution of the wealth, but they try to make it seem like that’s fair” (“The Injustice of Social Justice,” an interview by Bill Whittle of Andrew Klavan,, accessed Dec. 8, 2011).


  1.  Tammy Bruce:

          “Despite the risk of being called one of the few names that haven’t yet been hurled at me by the Thought Police, namely ‘red-baiter,’ it’s time to be honest about the real and damaging agenda of today’s pseudo-liberal establishment. For the Left, ‘social justice’ has come to mean ‘protection’ for certain groups (such as women, blacks, and gays) from attacks by the ‘enemy’ (principally white heterosexual males, but also women, blacks, and gays who question the authority of the special-interest groups’ leadership).

          America in the twenty-first century is looking more and more like the world of [George Orwell’s] 1984. What began so many years ago as a noble cause – ending the scourge of bigotry – has devolved into something far different. It’s not bigots that the new Thought Police are after. It’s people like Dr. Laura, who dare to speak their mind and contradict the ‘progressive’ point-of-view” (The New Thought Police: Inside the Left’s Assault on free Speech and Free Minds, 2001, page on Google books not listed but this is site:


          “Perhaps our nurturing skills have made it difficult for us to put ourselves first. [The National Organization of Women’s] devolution into a ‘social justice’ organization focusing on ‘race, class, and other issues of oppression,’ as Ireland put it, and Steinem’s taking on ‘the entire caste system’ are examples of women who seem to believe that women’s issues are less worthy of fighting for than the issues of others” (The New Thought Police: Inside the Left’s Assault on free Speech and Free Minds, 2001, page on Google books not listed but this is site:


  1. Neal Boortz:

          “Our income tax is no longer merely a means of funding the legitimate operations of the federal government. It is, in the hands of the Democrat Party, a tool for what they perceive as ‘social justice.’ Barack Obama believes that wealth is distributed, not earned. His oft-stated goal is to use our tax code to place wealth in the hands of those he feels to be deserving, not in the hands of those who actually earned it” (“Neal Boortz: Tax System Tool for ‘Social Justice,’” April 26, 2010., accessed Oct. 15, 2011).


  1. Al Sharpton:

          “So some of us act as if the struggle for social justice and the struggle for right is over, don’t realize that the struggle is not over until we achieve equality. Someone said to me the other day, Rev. Sharpton we have an African American president [so] we achieved the dream of Dr. King. I told him that was not the dream of Dr. King. . . But the dream was not to put one black family in the White House. The dream was to make everything equal in everybody’s house” (May 2, 2010,, accessed Dec. 12, 2011).


     12. Larry Elder:

          “Reagan distrusted government and sought to restrain its growth. Obama, the former community organizer, believes government creates jobs and that 'social justice' empowers him to redistribute wealth — according to those he deems worthy” (“Economy: Obama Brags About Treading Water,”, accessed Sept 13, 2013).

      13. Mark Levin:

            "Equality is also disguised as or confused with the popular sovereignty  – that is, the conflation of 'the people’s will' with egalitarian campaigns, such as 'social justice,' 'environmental justice,' 'immigrant rights,' 'workers rights,' etc. In essence, then, true democracy cannot be achieved unless society is reorganized around the disparate and endless demands of disparate and endless claimants. In due course such a society becomes chaotic and balkanized. It dissolves and crises build, the stage is set for escalating coercion or repression" (Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America, 2009, p. 9-10).